Allied Member Benefits


Allied members of MHLA (suppliers, vendors and others who work with lodging businesses) have a direct pipeline to Missouri’s growing hospitality industry. The benefits of membership are many and include networking, education and business development. MHLA membership opens the door to profitable opportunities.

Membership roster: As an allied member, you will have access to MHLA’s membership roster. You can request this information on mailing labels, or in a digital form by e-mail.

Networking with members: Allied members are encouraged to attend the annual conference of the Missouri Hotel & Lodging Association. The conference offers an excellent opportunity to establish and renew relationships with MHLA lodging members as well as other allied members.

Sponsorship opportunities: Allied members have opportunities to sponsor conferences, workshops and other special activities hosted by MHLA. Get your name out to your customers by being active and visible.

Quarterly Newsletter:  Distributed to all members of MHLA as well as to all state lodging associations nationwide. Business articles and profiles on new lodging properties and allied members are regular features.

Web Site - Everyone interested in making new contacts and having better access to their customers is involved in online marketing. Allied members merit a free listing describing their product/services on MHLA’s web site. Also, a link from the MHLA web site to the allied members’ web site is available.

Legislative services: Legislation impacts us all. As an allied member, you will benefit from the governmental consulting services of MHLA’s registered lobbyist. You will receive regular updates and be able to participate in a “legislative day” when MHLA members visit legislators in the Capitol.

“Members Only” information: As an MHLA member, you will have exclusive access to even more timely information and helpful updates through the “Members Only” section of this web site.